The Hornsby Family of Yorktown, Virginia

William Henry ("Bee")Hornsby, Jr. (February 29, 1896-November 23, 1965), was the son of
William Henry Hornsby (January 26, 1857-April 19, 1923) and
Mary Susan Montgomery Hornsby (September 10, 1865-December 16, 1943) of Seaford, Virginia.
The family included:
Margaret M. Hornsby (March 31, 1886-June 28,1967) who married (1909) Dr. Lawson Otwood Powell (October 9, 1875-June 12, 1966).
Dr. Powell and Auntie lived in Seaford, where he had a thriving medical practice, and they often hosted family dinners on holidays.
Local legend has it that Dr. Powell did not lose a single patient during the 1918 flu epidemic.
They have descendants--to be added later.
Stanley Montgomery Hornsby (October 3, 1887-September 29, 1951).
He married (September 11, 1924) Louise Horsey.
They had one son, Stanley Montgomery Hornsby, Jr., (June 7, 1925-November 23, 1944), who was killed at the age of 19 in World War II.
Lola Mae (June 2, 1889-February 26, 1967) married Eugene Elmer Slaight (February 21, 1871-November 10, 1951).
They have descendants--to be added later.
Luther Coleman Hornsby (September 6, 1892-November 14, 1918).
Luther served in World War I.
The family legend is that he was wounded in France on Armistice Day and died several days later.
His body was returned for burial in the family plot at the Zion Methodist Church in Seaford, Virginia.
William Henry Hornsby, Jr.
See below.
Oscar Franklin Hornsby (December 27, 1899-April 19, 1948). Oscar never married. He worked, possibly in insurance, in Richmond.
(More photos of the Hornsbys)

Marjorie Frances Langslow (June 27, 1902-February 9, 1977), was the daughter of
Edward Bridgewater Langslow (December 7, 1861-July 28, 1944)
and Anna S. Stuart (1864-1937).
Both Edward and Anna emigrated to America. Edward was born in Tre-boeth, Bleddfa, Radnoshire, Wales.
Anna was born in Tibbermore, Perth, Scotland.
By the time Marjorie was born they lived in Newport News, Virginia.
They had eight children:
Charlotte Ann (1888-1817).
Married Charles Henry Spurgeon Hallett.
Victoria May (May 24, 1890-November 27, 1971). Married (August 19, 1916) Peter Menin (August 23, 1892-July 18, 1980).
Ellen Brakenridge (July 22, 1892-January 1, 1960)
Edna Stuart (December 24, 1894-August 2, 1979) married (April 7, 1923) William Kohler Jacobs, Jr. (July 5, 1898-May 18, 1976)
Horace Brakenridge(October 25, 1895-May 29, 1974) Married (May 6, 1918) Lena Eva Harris (December 8, 1897-January 29, 1966)
Marjorie Frances (1902-1977).
See below.
Dorothy Lall (October 5, 1904-January 12, 2004). Married Benjamin F. Atkinson (April 21, 1899-March 10, 1988).
Edward Bridgewater Langslow, Jr. (November 7, 1908-August 11, 1986). Uncle Sleepy. Married Margaret A. Langslow (September 14,1903-June 29, 1967).
(Descendants of Marjorie's siblings to be added later.)
Marjorie took a teaching job in Seaford, Virginia. Very soon after her arrival, she met Bee and they began courting.
Bee formally asked Marjorie's father for her hand in marriage and was told, half-jokingly, "oh, she's too young."
Shortly after that they eloped and were married on December 30, 1920.
Their only child, Mary Stuart Hornsby, was born on June 25, 1922.

Mary Stuart graduated from High School at 16 and went to Madison College (now James Madison University), where she took a two-year teaching degree.
Unfortunately, she discovered that while she loved children, she hated teaching. So she took a variety of other jobs.
She worked for a while at the Park Service Gift Shop on Main Street in Yorktown.
During the war, she worked for the Ration Board.
After the war she applied for a job at the Yorktown Post Office. To work there permanently, she had to take the Civil Service Exam--but they were badly in eed of help, so they hired her temporarily until her
test results came in. To his astonishment, the Postmaster heard back that she'd been rejected! He asked why--since Mary Stuart was always an excellent student.
He was told that she was too short. You had to be 5'4" to work in the Post Office. So the Postmaster measured her height . . . he held the measuring tape loosely, while Mary Stuart
stood up as tall as she could. He reported that she was just barely 5'4". So she was hired--and the Postmaster learned that she had gotten a very high score on the Civil Service Exam--family legend is that it was the highest score they'd ever seen in the district.
Mary Stuart met J.D. (Andy) Andrews shortly after he came to Yorktown to work at the Virginia Fisheries Laboratory (now the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.)
They were married on March 23, 1948.

(More engagement and wedding pictures.)

Their daughter Donna Gay Andrews was born on December 13, 1952.
Their son Jay Stuart Andrews was born on May 18, 1954.