Early pictures of the Andrews family of Bloom, Kansas
Oscar Jacob Andrews (1946-1940)
As a young man
In middle age
With his son, Jay Straney Andrews
Eva Dilley
William Vewell Dilley (Eva's father), Eva Mildred Dilley, and Mamie Grace Findlay Dilley (Eva's mother)
As a young woman
With Maggie Straney (mother-in-law)
The Andrews family circa 1932: Eva, Grace, Jay, Anna Mae, Maggie, Oscar, Arlene, Vesta
The Andrews family circa 1931 or 1932: Anna Mae, Jay, Donald, Grace, Eva, Arlene
Andrews family fishing trip to Lake Meade circa 1931
Jay Donald Andrews
As a baby, 1917
With Great-Grandfather Findlay circa 1917
At two years old
With his sisters
As a boy
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